For 6 days in July 2025, a joyful community of God's people including kids, youth, campus based, singles, handmaids, servants and couples, around 1,500 members from all over the USA, will come together to fellowship with one another; share their challenges and victories in their spiritual journey; listen and get inspiration from the talks and sessions; to be ready for the mission.
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2025 Conference Theme

Theme: “Hope Abounds” from the verse: Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.” Our hope is in Jesus. We must cling to him and put our total trust in him.

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Prayers & Worship

Prayers and worship are an integral part of our life in MFC; especially as holy warriors and as people of God.

Sessions & Talks

We always look forward to how we will be formed and strengthened for the mission from all the sessions.

Fellowship & Socials

Conferences are always a time of celebration. So we enjoy the company of our brethren and renew relationships.

Saturday Night Socials

Now you’re in New York. The proposed theme for the Socials Night is “Empire State of Mind”. We will showcase New York's diverse and multicultural lifestyle... not only the glitz and glamour but also stories of the city’s gritty side, about hustling and getting hustled. In all this is our hope... That even in the seeming negatives in life, God is positively at work—looking to our good.

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2025 National Family Week -Hope Abounds Souvenir Book

And to commemorate MFCUSA's 34th anniversary, we would like to invite you to place an advertorial in our souvenir book. Website and social media ads sponsorship also available.

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2025 Community Prayer


Our Father in Heaven we praise and thank You for the gift of faith, family, life and community. We put our trust in You, depend on You, rely on Your power and strength. We owe You our life and in response, we strive to live in holiness and in Christian perfection. As MFC community, we strive to enter into committed relationship with one another as Christians.

Lord Jesus, we praise and thank You for the greatest gift you gave us - dying on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. May we live our lives in holiness and in accordance to Your will, worthy to be instruments of blessings to our family, our community and our church.

Holy Spirit, we pray unceasingly for strength, wisdom, and power as we fulfill our vision and mission. Keep us protected and full of zeal and boldness as we prepare for the 2025 MFC Family Conference. Allow us to experience the mystery of faith, the promise of hope, and the fullness of Your Love for us.

Blessed Mother, pray and intercede for us and bring us closer to your Son. Your warm embrace will comfort us when we are faced with challenges. By your prayers and by the aid of Saint Joseph, your spouse, we will be protected and assisted from our struggles with the power of darkness. Amen.

Missionary families renewing the face of the earth.

Spreading God's love and transforming lives throughout America.

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The Missionary Families of Christ