Here are some FYI before clicking the [REGISTER] button.
Please read the following important information before clicking the REGISTER button.
- Starting this year, our system is redesigned to handle Individual registration only and User Accounts will be created so you can manage your profile and event registrations. This will streamline succeeding event registrations. If you are a couple or a family attending this conference, you are required to complete a form for each attendee. Ensure that the correct Section is selected for each registrant.
- To prevent duplicate registrations, a unique email is required for each participant. For Kids, the parents are requested to get an email address for them (Gmail is free). Please make sure that you have access to these emails so that you can receive the Registration Confirmation with the QR Code which you will need when you Check-in on the day of the conference, including event updates and reminders.
- If you are registering for Kids or Youth, a consent/waiver will need to be submitted. Do you want to download the form? Click here.
- More information is available in the FAQ section at the bottom of this page.
- Remember, Conference Registration is a 2-step process - first, you create an account (username and password) with mfcusa; then second, you go back and, using your newly created user account from step 1, login to to complete your conference registration and payment.
- You should receive a confirmation email if you made a succesful registration. If you didn't receive the email, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Registration Fee includes Conference T-shirt, 3 meals on Tuesday & 2 meals on Wednesday.
Venue: Hilton Albany , 40 Lodge St, Albany, NY 12207
Kids: $175
Registration Fee includes Conference T-shirt, 3 meals on Saturday & 2 meals on Sunday.
Venue: Hilton Albany, 40 Lodge St, Albany, NY 12207
We accept the following payment methods:
Default: Online Payment using your debit/credit card through Paypal
Offline Payment Method (Offline payments should have a memo or note indicating the purpose of the payment: i.e. “NFW 2025”.)
1. By Check: please mail to -
MFCNY Finance Committee
923 Gloucester Ct.
Westbury, NY 11590
2. Zelle: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (Please add Participants name in Memo)
3. By Credit Card + convenience fee
Other Info:
1. If you are paying using one of the offline payment options, please send email to the NY Conference Finance Committee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to inform them of your payment for tracking purposes. You will receive a Confirmation email when payment is verified and credited by the bank.
2. Registration is valid only after receipt of full payment.
3. For Offline payments, your Registration status in the website will show "Pending" until receipt and confirmation of your full payment.
4. Deadline for all registration: July 10, 2025. Registration will close if hits maximum already... whichever comes first.
If you have questions regarding the conference and registration, please email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.